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Captain America & His Father

The picture is from a negative I recently found in my aunt's estate. It shows my grandfather visiting my Uncle Hermann at basic training about 1942. Granddad was a mechanical engineer who emigrated to the US from Germany in 1907. Hermann was also a mechanical engineer who returned from his service to raise a family of five. Many years later Hermann designed and patented the Jenn-Air indoor grill. View full size.

The picture is from a negative I recently found in my aunt's estate. It shows my grandfather visiting my Uncle Hermann at basic training about 1942. Granddad was a mechanical engineer who emigrated to the US from Germany in 1907. Hermann was also a mechanical engineer who returned from his service to raise a family of five. Many years later Hermann designed and patented the Jenn-Air indoor grill. View full size.

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American Pride

I wonder how Uncle Hermann felt as a German-American (no doubt with an accent) walking around a US Army base in 1942. Albert Einstein probably felt likewise. I've had a Jenn-Air since 1987; actually two, in fact. I'll give Mr. Hermann credit, they work very well, but if you cook a lot of smokey stuff it's hard to beat an overhead exhaust hood.

Thanks, Hermann

When my parents built their home in 1977 my mother was incredibly enthusiastic about her Jenn-Air kitchen range and all the fantastic attachments. Thanks a million, Uncle Hermann.

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