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Bank Shot: 1910

Detroit circa 1910. "People's State Bank, Fort and Shelby Streets." Designed by McKim, Mead & White. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.

Detroit circa 1910. "People's State Bank, Fort and Shelby Streets." Designed by McKim, Mead & White. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.


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Street life

Love the street life in the old photo. Looking at today's photo everyone is in their car, not a pedestrian in sight!

Women's Commercial Dept

The March 1905 edition of The Architectural Review called this building the Detroit State Savings Bank. I don't know what the interior looks like now, but it was beautiful then, even with spittoons. Here's the floorplan. To the right, as you enter, is the board room and president's office. And, to the left, with its own tellers, bathroom, fireplace, and vase of flowers, is the Women's Commercial Dept. Interesting to know a demand created the need for this.

Bank Saving

Originally the State Savings Bank, the building was almost torn down for parking by a Toronto developer in 2012. For once, the city denied the request.

Still there

I've been in the building a few times. Bedrock uses it as an event center. It's mostly just empty space inside except for the vault.

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