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Family Road Trip: c. 1955

My sister and mother and me on a family road trip in our beautiful black Nash. I loved that car, and thought it was incredibly elegant. I still do. I'm hoping that someone can identify the specific model and year of the car.
The year must be around 1955, and the motel is probably in Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont, but it could also be in New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania.  
Scanned from a slide taken by my father, Oseo Peter Balestracci. View full size.

My sister and mother and me on a family road trip in our beautiful black Nash. I loved that car, and thought it was incredibly elegant. I still do. I'm hoping that someone can identify the specific model and year of the car.

The year must be around 1955, and the motel is probably in Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont, but it could also be in New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania.

Scanned from a slide taken by my father, Oseo Peter Balestracci. View full size.

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Pre '51 for sure

The '51 Nash still had the "bathtub" design but had small fins in which the taillights were mounted so this is a pre '51 for sure. Nice car!

Super Special

No doubt it's a 1949 Nash Ambassador Super Special. Beautiful car.

Re: Car ID

Thanks! I think you're right. Zooming in on the original scan, it looks like the second word on the back of the car is Super. Definitely starts with an S, anyway. I don't think we have any other photographs of this car. I wish I had a complete set of photographs of family cars, complete with identification. I know my father particularly loved this car, but I don't know why, or when he bought it, or how he chose it.

Nash "Twin Beds"

Love the photo of the Nash as bedroom! Our parents never used the bed feature on the road, but they used to let my sister and me sleep in the car with our cousin Christine when her family came to visit. We thought that was a great treat, and stayed up late telling stories to each other.

Nash police cars

It is a beauty, but paint the doors white on it and it could take its place with all the other Nash police cars in zillions of 1950s movies and TV shows.

Nash "Twin Beds"

Why rent a motel room when your car IS a motel room?

Roadside Motels

Splendid shot. Your car looks to be in great shape for being 5 years old.

This motel looks so similar to the places my family would stop at for the night,way back when. Black and white TV, perhaps a pool, and little old me was good to go!

We would have a nice coffee shop dinner, usually located close by to the room. Then, back to the room for some telly, a bit of reading, and then lights out.

I was just jazzed to be sleeping in a different bed! If we were lucky, there was the Magic Fingers.

Thanks for sharing.

Car ID

That's a 1949 Nash Super, I believe.

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