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Young Love: c. 1959

Brown's Bay Provincial Park, Ontario (near Kemptville), c. 1959. Me with my boyfriend, Michael, again. Who can resist a man who wears socks and shoes with his bathing suit? The "romance" lasted until my mother remarried and we moved to Ottawa, in 1963.
I still remember that bathing suit. Red with a pin-stripy ruffle around the top. View full size.
UPDATE! I got an email from Michael last night, out of the blue. It's been about 45 years since we last saw each other. He wrote "What a way to trigger some great memories from my young years in Kemptville. I believe that is me in the first picture but not in the second [the "Lover's Quarrel" one]; I guess you had another boyfriend [I responded that the WAS only one boyfriend for me, back then and it was Michael!]. You were responsible for my first spanking in kindergarten (actually having my hand slapped) when I got upset that you weren't sitting beside me in class."
I didn't remember that at all... But it was nice to know that at SOME point in my life I was a heartbreaker...

Brown's Bay Provincial Park, Ontario (near Kemptville), c. 1959. Me with my boyfriend, Michael, again. Who can resist a man who wears socks and shoes with his bathing suit? The "romance" lasted until my mother remarried and we moved to Ottawa, in 1963.

I still remember that bathing suit. Red with a pin-stripy ruffle around the top. View full size.

UPDATE! I got an email from Michael last night, out of the blue. It's been about 45 years since we last saw each other. He wrote "What a way to trigger some great memories from my young years in Kemptville. I believe that is me in the first picture but not in the second [the "Lover's Quarrel" one]; I guess you had another boyfriend [I responded that the WAS only one boyfriend for me, back then and it was Michael!]. You were responsible for my first spanking in kindergarten (actually having my hand slapped) when I got upset that you weren't sitting beside me in class."

I didn't remember that at all... But it was nice to know that at SOME point in my life I was a heartbreaker...

On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

The Feeling Is Mutual

The attraction must have worked both ways, since you are also wearing socks and shoes. Maybe it was just an attempt to protect your feet from those frigid, even in summertime, Canadian waters???

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