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Riding the Log

This is from an old scratched up negative, but I think it's beautiful. This photo was taken right about 1927, and my husband insists that it was taken by the man on the log, his grandfather Tom Boothby. View full size.

This is from an old scratched up negative, but I think it's beautiful. This photo was taken right about 1927, and my husband insists that it was taken by the man on the log, his grandfather Tom Boothby. View full size.

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What joy!

But if any photo is begging to be Farked, this one surely is.

Re: Confused

Riding the log and babies: It's an old story, honey.

Charmed and confused

I love this family, and I love the light and dark here. But I'm confused as to what's happening. Is this really some type of ride? The bathing suits would seem to suggest that, but the people appear to be balanced precariously, if it is, and at least one of the kids looks pretty young for anything too wild. Or are they just sitting on a log by a river? And how could the photograph by taken by the man in the photograph?

I feel slow for asking, but curiosity has overcome my embarrassment.

Love It

I love this photo. Lots of love, warmth & happiness. If you Photoshopped modern bathing suits on them, it could have been taken yesterday.

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