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WWII Squaredance Group

The first girl from the right in the back row is my mother and the first from the right in front is her cousin. All of the kids were from in and around Walla Walla, Washington. I love this picture, from a time when kids did productive things to entertain themselves and took pride in knowing those who were serving our country. View full size.

The first girl from the right in the back row is my mother and the first from the right in front is her cousin. All of the kids were from in and around Walla Walla, Washington. I love this picture, from a time when kids did productive things to entertain themselves and took pride in knowing those who were serving our country. View full size.

On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Pride in good grooming

These youngsters were so well-dressed, combed and shiny that I first thought this was a graduation picture. I think so much of our self-respect is reflected in our personal appearance and the Walla Walla teens seem to have a very healthy attitude. I particularly like the beaming, proud look on the face of the boy in the front row who has an elaborate tie clip (with a hanging chain and monogram) and I would bet he had a very successful future ahead of him. This group represents the results of excellent parenting and depicts "wholesomeness" at its finest. Very refreshing.

Square dancers

Your mother and her cousin obviously carried the same pretty-girl gene; they could be sisters. Tall guy in back later moved to Metropolis and went into the journalism racket, part-time.

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