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A Family Photo Before the War: 1966

Brother Stephen, sister Susie, Mom Nancy, Dad Jack and me. Photo taken mid-1966 in Bellevue, WA, shortly before dad shipped off to Vietnam (the only tour of duty we weren't allowed to accompany him on; we lived in a lot of different places while us kids were growing up).
Picture taken by my grandfather John Lagsdin, who had been a publicity photographer in Hollywood. I remember seeing stills he took for Rory Calhoun, and I'm told he was the photographer at Boris Karloff's daughter's wedding. View full size.

Brother Stephen, sister Susie, Mom Nancy, Dad Jack and me. Photo taken mid-1966 in Bellevue, WA, shortly before dad shipped off to Vietnam (the only tour of duty we weren't allowed to accompany him on; we lived in a lot of different places while us kids were growing up).

Picture taken by my grandfather John Lagsdin, who had been a publicity photographer in Hollywood. I remember seeing stills he took for Rory Calhoun, and I'm told he was the photographer at Boris Karloff's daughter's wedding. View full size.

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Something in common

Had your dad moved his family to Bellevue to be near your mother's family while he was gone? My dad served two tours in Vietnam. He came back changed, but in one piece, and is still with us at 82. I hope yours did, too. There were some things that were very unique about that war, especially the way our servicemen tended to be treated upon returning.

Thank you

Mom made all the clothes in that picture (except for dad's suit). I was indeed a very lucky boy to have that family.

Beautiful Family

Your family is great! Love the boys jackets. You are so lucky to have had a great involved dad, especially in the '60s.

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