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Colorized Photos

Abraham Lincoln (Colorized): 1865

This is such an extraordinary photograph; I've always wanted to restore it. The man was a giant, yet his face reveals nothing but kindness and humility. Repair and colorization to the original done in Photoshop using multiple layers and blend modes. View full size.

This is such an extraordinary photograph; I've always wanted to restore it. The man was a giant, yet his face reveals nothing but kindness and humility. Repair and colorization to the original done in Photoshop using multiple layers and blend modes. View full size.

Ready to Roll (Colorized)

One of my favorite pictures colorized from Shorpy's files. View full size.

One of my favorite pictures colorized from Shorpy's files. View full size.

Seeandbee (Colorized)

What a windy day, everyone has to hold onto their hats.  View full size.

What a windy day, everyone has to hold onto their hats. View full size.

War Risk Basketball 1919 (Colorized)

Colourised from original here at Shorpy. They look good for ladies who would now be about 110 years old.  View full size.

Colourised from original here at Shorpy. They look good for ladies who would now be about 110 years old. View full size.

Saratoga 1908 (Colorized)

The original is on Shorpy, here:

I have cropped and resized the image to fit my screen (as computer wallpaper), so there are bits from the original missing here.

I searched for color(ed) pictures of Congress Hall on the web, but turned up nuthin'.  So, the color scheme is mine, entirely, and likely not correct.  But I think it looks believable.  I did find bottles of Hathorn Springs spring water, but no color labels.  The bottles were bright green glass, however, so I made the sign roughly the same color.

I used a lot of the same techniques in this colorization as I used in the last one; trying to use multiple blended colors on most surfaces. For everything from the leaves on the trees to their shadows on the pavement, I used a gazillion different shades to try and give the picture a realistic look.  Whether I succeeded or not is a judgement for its audience to make, of course. View full size.

The original is on Shorpy, here:

I have cropped and resized the image to fit my screen (as computer wallpaper), so there are bits from the original missing here.

I searched for color(ed) pictures of Congress Hall on the web, but turned up nuthin'. So, the color scheme is mine, entirely, and likely not correct. But I think it looks believable. I did find bottles of Hathorn Springs spring water, but no color labels. The bottles were bright green glass, however, so I made the sign roughly the same color.

I used a lot of the same techniques in this colorization as I used in the last one; trying to use multiple blended colors on most surfaces. For everything from the leaves on the trees to their shadows on the pavement, I used a gazillion different shades to try and give the picture a realistic look. Whether I succeeded or not is a judgement for its audience to make, of course. View full size.

Hanging Rock (Colorized)

Danville Pa 1901. Another great pic on Shorpy. View full size.

Danville Pa 1901. Another great pic on Shorpy. View full size.

Miss M.K. Little (Colorized)

Colorized version of Miss May K. Little, 1925. View full size.

Colorized version of Miss May K. Little, 1925. View full size.

Cotton On The Levee (Colorized)

Colorized from Shorpy. New Orleans, circa 1903. "Mule teams and the levee (and the flotsam)." View full size.

Colorized from Shorpy. New Orleans, circa 1903. "Mule teams and the levee (and the flotsam)." View full size.

Civil War Scene (Colorized)

Colorized from Shorpy. Any suggestions on how to improve the earth colorization? View full size.

Colorized from Shorpy. Any suggestions on how to improve the earth colorization? View full size.

Stocking Stuffer (Colorized)

Colorized from Shorpy. Washington, 1922. View full size.

Colorized from Shorpy. Washington, 1922. View full size.

Didn't I Have Six Dice (Colorized)?

Colorized version of "A Winning Miss," 1911. Art Photo Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. View full sizeM.

Colorized version of "A Winning Miss," 1911. Art Photo Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. View full sizeM.

The Music Man (Colorized): 1925

Strikingly handsome. A man's man. Colorized from this photo. Merry Christmas to Dave and everyone at Shorpy. View full size.

Strikingly handsome. A man's man. Colorized from this photo. Merry Christmas to Dave and everyone at Shorpy. View full size.

Grand Central (Colorized): 1941

A dramatic 1940s image that had captured my imagination and enthusiasm to colorize. View full size.

A dramatic 1940s image that had captured my imagination and enthusiasm to colorize. View full size.

Western Electric Christmas (Colorized): 1925

Another fine Shorpy picture colorized. View full size.

Another fine Shorpy picture colorized. View full size.

League of Nation (Colorized): 1917

Colorized using Photoshop. This is my first attempt. View full size.

Colorized using Photoshop. This is my first attempt. View full size.

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