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Colorized Photos

Swinger (Colorized): 1954

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Sashed (Colorized): 1921

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Canary Soup (Colorized): 1914

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Not my usual fare. Just wanted to colorize this one in honor and memory of my beloved Orange Kitty, who passed away almost a year ago. I took great liberties with the color, especially the stove, to make it a bit more colorful. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Not my usual fare. Just wanted to colorize this one in honor and memory of my beloved Orange Kitty, who passed away almost a year ago. I took great liberties with the color, especially the stove, to make it a bit more colorful. View full size.

Wallflowers (Colorized): 1910

I found this on the site here and thought it would look good in color. The rug colors are based on one that my parents owned when I was a youngster. I used a new technique that overlays two layers where one is lighter than the other and gives the impression of two distinct colors. View full size.

NOTE: I also added some paint to those dreary white walls :>) - baxado

I found this on the site here and thought it would look good in color. The rug colors are based on one that my parents owned when I was a youngster. I used a new technique that overlays two layers where one is lighter than the other and gives the impression of two distinct colors. View full size.

NOTE: I also added some paint to those dreary white walls :>) - baxado

Nurse Needles (Colorized): 1942

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Gotham Noir (Colorized): 1933

Colorized from this Shorpy original. I don't know how descriptive the title is now, because the colors kind of change the mood of the photo, but here is my colorized version. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. I don't know how descriptive the title is now, because the colors kind of change the mood of the photo, but here is my colorized version. View full size.

Tobacco Candy (Colorized): 1940

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Mr. Right (Colorized): 1920

Colorized from this Shorpy original. This is a colorized version of a car that I love. I found the Olds Badge on line as an exact replica for this particular year. The license plate for California that year was a light teal with cream lettering (found on line in an archival image database here) Most of this I left as is since it was as close to chrome or gray rubber that I was going to get. I took license (excuse the pun) with the seat color, but not the convertible top. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. This is a colorized version of a car that I love. I found the Olds Badge on line as an exact replica for this particular year. The license plate for California that year was a light teal with cream lettering (found on line in an archival image database here) Most of this I left as is since it was as close to chrome or gray rubber that I was going to get. I took license (excuse the pun) with the seat color, but not the convertible top. View full size.

Red Crown Gasoline (Colorized): 1927

Colorized from this Shorpy original. I just love the old fuel pumps. Nice clear picture. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. I just love the old fuel pumps. Nice clear picture. View full size.

Glamour Shot: 1947 (Colorized)

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Another 'I just had to see it in color' photo. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Another 'I just had to see it in color' photo. View full size.

Glamour Shot (Colorized): 1947

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Some pretty gals, but I would like to know why the shots? View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Some pretty gals, but I would like to know why the shots? View full size.

Read All About It (Colorized): 1942

        May 1942. "Southington, Connecticut. Where Southington folk buy their magazines." Photo by Fenno Jacobs for the OWI.

Under the original black-and-white photo, one commenter remarked, "The only thing better than this picture would be to see it in color." This prompted me to start on what eventually became an almost year-long journey of Internet detective work in order to find all the magazines in this shot as they looked in their original colors. Click here to see all the magazine covers I collected. View full size.

        May 1942. "Southington, Connecticut. Where Southington folk buy their magazines." Photo by Fenno Jacobs for the OWI.

Under the original black-and-white photo, one commenter remarked, "The only thing better than this picture would be to see it in color." This prompted me to start on what eventually became an almost year-long journey of Internet detective work in order to find all the magazines in this shot as they looked in their original colors. Click here to see all the magazine covers I collected. View full size.

Two Birds (Colorized): 1920s

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Thought it might be interesting to see this all jazzed up. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. Thought it might be interesting to see this all jazzed up. View full size.

The Upper Hand (Colorized): 1919

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Colorized from this Shorpy original. View full size.

Cafe Society (Colorized): 1941

This is my colorized version of this Shorpy original. View full size.

This is my colorized version of this Shorpy original. View full size.

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