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Mini Me and Dollie: c. 1960

Kemptville, around 1960. My dollie had short hair and in order to foster faster hair-growth, I cut the first two rows of bangs. Strangely, it didn't work. I think her name was Susan which was also the name of my invisible friend (and, along with Cathy, a name I coveted for myself). No one had an unusual name when I was growing up -- at least I didn't get any nicknames the way my brothers Darius and Jamshed did). Variations of Anneke are now quite common. The little girl who lives next door to us, born the day before my birthday, is named Anikha.
Susan ended her days in the toy box in the basement and was thrown out after the basement flooded in the late 80s.
I can still remember the smell of her hair and the feel of it on my cheek 40+ years later. Sigh...
My bad perm courtesy Toni Home Perm. Haircut by kitchen bowl. View full size.

Kemptville, around 1960. My dollie had short hair and in order to foster faster hair-growth, I cut the first two rows of bangs. Strangely, it didn't work. I think her name was Susan which was also the name of my invisible friend (and, along with Cathy, a name I coveted for myself). No one had an unusual name when I was growing up -- at least I didn't get any nicknames the way my brothers Darius and Jamshed did). Variations of Anneke are now quite common. The little girl who lives next door to us, born the day before my birthday, is named Anikha.

Susan ended her days in the toy box in the basement and was thrown out after the basement flooded in the late 80s.

I can still remember the smell of her hair and the feel of it on my cheek 40+ years later. Sigh...

My bad perm courtesy Toni Home Perm. Haircut by kitchen bowl. View full size.

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