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Popping Wet: 1955

July 1955. "Camp Sunapee, New Hampshire. Campers making popcorn on a rainy day at Pleasant Lake." Another of the more than 800 Kodachrome slides taken by Toni Frissell for the Sports Illustrated assignment "Boys' Camp." View full size.

July 1955. "Camp Sunapee, New Hampshire. Campers making popcorn on a rainy day at Pleasant Lake." Another of the more than 800 Kodachrome slides taken by Toni Frissell for the Sports Illustrated assignment "Boys' Camp." View full size.


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This photograph has an absolutely masterful composition. I'm sure she put a lot more effort into it than it might initially appear. And on top of that, I can feel, hear, and smell it all. Partly because I have experienced these same conditions so many times, but also due to the quality of this picture. Oh, and I'm glad the Shorpy logo arrived properly dressed to stay dry.

[If by "effort" you mean posing her subjects -- no. Toni Frissell snapped 38 exposures of this corn-popping session alone, out of more than 800 photos for this assignment. - Dave]

Nope, what I meant by "effort" was doing something exactly along the lines of 38 exposures of this scene amongst 800+ during the assignment. And, that it is no accident the subjects might look posed. Woman had skills.

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

At least when I was around a campfire, rain or not.

Also, kneeling on stone has got to hurt the knees after a while. Hopefully they did not stay in that position for long.

Old Kodachromes Look Fantastic.

The sharpness and color rendition of these now 70+ year old Kodachrome images is astonishing!

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