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Shelbyville: 1938

October 1938. Shelbyville, Indiana. Hearse meeting casket at railroad station. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon.

October 1938. Shelbyville, Indiana. Hearse meeting casket at railroad station. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon.


Pails in Comparison: 1939

September 1939. Children's lunch pails wait for their owners in a rural Wisconsin schoolhouse. View full size. Photograph by John Vachon.

September 1939. Children's lunch pails wait for their owners in a rural Wisconsin schoolhouse. View full size. Photograph by John Vachon.


School Days: 1939

September 1939. "Rural schoolroom in Wisconsin." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.

September 1939. "Rural schoolroom in Wisconsin." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.


Drink a Bite to Eat: 1938

April 1938. Store in Halifax, North Carolina, with signs advertising carbonated beverages and patent medicines. View full size. Photograph by John Vachon.

April 1938. Store in Halifax, North Carolina, with signs advertising carbonated beverages and patent medicines. View full size. Photograph by John Vachon.


The Fly in the Ointment: 1920

"The Fly in the Ointment," dated May 22, 1920. Even bigger laffs. More Shorpy funnies on the Comics Page. Subscribe to the Shorpy Comics Feed!

"The Fly in the Ointment," dated May 22, 1920. Even bigger laffs. More Shorpy funnies on the Comics Page. Subscribe to the Shorpy Comics Feed!

Coal Miner's Son: 1939

May 1939. Coal miner's son in Kempton, West Virginia. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon, Farm Security Administration.

May 1939. Coal miner's son in Kempton, West Virginia. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon, Farm Security Administration.


St. Paul: 1939

Lady resident of a St. Paul rooming house. September 1939. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by by John Vachon, Farm Security Administration.

Lady resident of a St. Paul rooming house. September 1939. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by by John Vachon, Farm Security Administration.


The Farmer's Wife

October 1938. Farm wife and baby waiting in the car while her husband attends the auction. Oskaloosa, Kansas. View full size. Photograph by John Vachon.

October 1938. Farm wife and baby waiting in the car while her husband attends the auction. Oskaloosa, Kansas. View full size. Photograph by John Vachon.


The Farmer's Daughter

October 1938. Farm girl in Seward County, Nebraska. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.

October 1938. Farm girl in Seward County, Nebraska. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.


Doggie in the Window: 1937

April 1937. Children playing in Washington, D.C. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.

April 1937. Children playing in Washington, D.C. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.


Pa's Got Th' Right System: 1918

"Cap" Stubbs, by Edwina Dumm, Published on January 5, 1918. View full size.

"Cap" Stubbs, by Edwina Dumm, Published on January 5, 1918. View full size.

Bowery Flophouse: 1903

Reading room of 10 cent Bowery lodging house circa 1903. Headline in newspaper: "San Domingo Falls After Big Battle." View full size. 8x10 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection.

Reading room of 10 cent Bowery lodging house circa 1903. Headline in newspaper: "San Domingo Falls After Big Battle." View full size. 8x10 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection.


10¢ Turkish Bath: 1910

10-cent Turkish bath in New York's Bowery district circa 1910. 8x10 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection, Library of Congress. View full size.

10-cent Turkish bath in New York's Bowery district circa 1910. 8x10 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection, Library of Congress. View full size.


A Square Meal for a Nickel: 1910

5 cent restaurant in New York's Bowery circa 1910. View full size. 8x10 glass negative, G.G. Bain Collection. What you get for your 5 cents at the People's Restaurant: Stew, Pork & Beans, Oatmeal & Milk. "All with bread & coffee."

5 cent restaurant in New York's Bowery circa 1910. View full size. 8x10 glass negative, G.G. Bain Collection. What you get for your 5 cents at the People's Restaurant: Stew, Pork & Beans, Oatmeal & Milk. "All with bread & coffee."


Dam Workers: 1942

June 1942. Workers on the Tennessee Valley Authority's Watts Bar Dam hydro- electric project. View full size. 3.25 inch safety negative by Arthur Rothstein.

June 1942. Workers on the Tennessee Valley Authority's Watts Bar Dam hydro- electric project. View full size. 3.25 inch safety negative by Arthur Rothstein.

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