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Darn, Darn, Darn: 1943

December 1943. "Lynn Massman, wife of a second class petty officer studying in Washington, D.C., darns socks in the afternoon while baby Joey has his nap." View full size. Medium-format safety negative by Esther Bubley for the OWI.

December 1943. "Lynn Massman, wife of a second class petty officer studying in Washington, D.C., darns socks in the afternoon while baby Joey has his nap." View full size. Medium-format safety negative by Esther Bubley for the OWI.


Apalachicola Shuckers: 1909

January 1909. "Oyster shuckers at Apalachicola, Florida. This work is carried on by many young boys during busy seasons. This is a dull year so only a few youngsters were in evidence." View full size. Photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine.

January 1909. "Oyster shuckers at Apalachicola, Florida. This work is carried on by many young boys during busy seasons. This is a dull year so only a few youngsters were in evidence." View full size. Photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine.


Lena Again: 1908

August 1908, Cincinnati. "Lena Lochiavo, 11 years old, Basket Seller, Sixth Street Market. Saloon entrance. 11 p.m. Had been there since 10 a.m. and not yet sold out." Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.

August 1908, Cincinnati. "Lena Lochiavo, 11 years old, Basket Seller, Sixth Street Market. Saloon entrance. 11 p.m. Had been there since 10 a.m. and not yet sold out." Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.


Mrs. Bryan and Mrs. Flaherty: 1908

October 27, 1908. "Mrs. W.J. [William Jennings] Bryan and Mrs. Flaherty in carriage" in New York. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.

October 27, 1908. "Mrs. W.J. [William Jennings] Bryan and Mrs. Flaherty in carriage" in New York. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.


The Excitement Begins: 1938

August 1938. Girls at the fair in central Ohio. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Ben Shahn for the Farm Security Administration.

August 1938. Girls at the fair in central Ohio. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Ben Shahn for the Farm Security Administration.


Elmer Pace: 1942

August 1942. Corpus Christi, Texas. "Working inside the nose of a PBY, Elmer J. Pace is learning the construction of Navy planes. As a National Youth Administration trainee at the Naval Air Base, he gets practical experience. After about eight weeks, he will go into civil service as a sheet metal worker." 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Howard R. Hollem. View full size.

August 1942. Corpus Christi, Texas. "Working inside the nose of a PBY, Elmer J. Pace is learning the construction of Navy planes. As a National Youth Administration trainee at the Naval Air Base, he gets practical experience. After about eight weeks, he will go into civil service as a sheet metal worker." 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Howard R. Hollem. View full size.


Lena Lochiavo: 1908

Cincinnati, August 1908. "Lena Lochiavo, 11 years old, 209 West Sixth Street. Basket [and pretzel] seller at Sixth Street Market in front of saloon entrance." Photo by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.

Cincinnati, August 1908. "Lena Lochiavo, 11 years old, 209 West Sixth Street. Basket [and pretzel] seller at Sixth Street Market in front of saloon entrance." Photo by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.


The Reading Tree: 1939

July 1939. "Negro tenant farmer reading paper on a hot Saturday afternoon. Note vegetable garden across footpath. Chatham County, North Carolina." Photograph by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

July 1939. "Negro tenant farmer reading paper on a hot Saturday afternoon. Note vegetable garden across footpath. Chatham County, North Carolina." Photograph by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Marlboro Boy: 1939

July 1939. "Ten-year-old son of tobacco sharecropper can do a 'hand's work' at harvest time." Seen here feeding logs into the fire next to flue of the curing barn. Granville County, North Carolina. View full size.  Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.

July 1939. "Ten-year-old son of tobacco sharecropper can do a 'hand's work' at harvest time." Seen here feeding logs into the fire next to flue of the curing barn. Granville County, North Carolina. View full size. Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.


Granville County: 1939

July 1939. "Grandson of Negro tenant farmer whose father is in the penitentiary." Granville County, North Carolina. View full size. Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.

July 1939. "Grandson of Negro tenant farmer whose father is in the penitentiary." Granville County, North Carolina. View full size. Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.


Shoofly Tobacco: 1939

July 1939. Shoofly, North Carolina. "Tobacco field in early morning where white sharecropper and wage laborer are priming tobacco." View full size.  Medium format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.

July 1939. Shoofly, North Carolina. "Tobacco field in early morning where white sharecropper and wage laborer are priming tobacco." View full size. Medium format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.


Lil Shuckers: 1912

February 1912. Port Royal, South Carolina. "Nine [?] of these children from 8 yrs. old up go to school half a day, and shuck oysters for four hours before school and three hours after on school days, and on Saturday from 4 a.m. to early afternoon. Maggioni Canning Co." View full size. Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.

February 1912. Port Royal, South Carolina. "Nine [?] of these children from 8 yrs. old up go to school half a day, and shuck oysters for four hours before school and three hours after on school days, and on Saturday from 4 a.m. to early afternoon. Maggioni Canning Co." View full size. Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.


A New Beginning: 1939

October 1939. "Ex-Nebraska farmer now developing farm out of the stumps. Bonner County, Idaho." View full size.  Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.

October 1939. "Ex-Nebraska farmer now developing farm out of the stumps. Bonner County, Idaho." View full size. Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.


Billy Mitchell: 1923

September 25, 1923. Brigadier General William Mitchell in Washington, D.C. An important figure in the development of military aviation, "Billy" Mitchell is regarded as the father of the U.S. Air Force. His criticism of Army and Navy leaders after the crash of the airship Shenandoah in 1925 led to a court-martial and subsequent resignation. When it came to clothes, cars and horses, he was a connoisseur of the good life. View full size. National Photo Co. Collection.

September 25, 1923. Brigadier General William Mitchell in Washington, D.C. An important figure in the development of military aviation, "Billy" Mitchell is regarded as the father of the U.S. Air Force. His criticism of Army and Navy leaders after the crash of the airship Shenandoah in 1925 led to a court-martial and subsequent resignation. When it came to clothes, cars and horses, he was a connoisseur of the good life. View full size. National Photo Co. Collection.


Harriet and Tommy: 1926

January 2, 1926. Tommy Leiter and Harriet Mitchell, daughter of Gen. Billy Mitchell. View full size. 5x7 glass negative, National Photo Co. Collection.

January 2, 1926. Tommy Leiter and Harriet Mitchell, daughter of Gen. Billy Mitchell. View full size. 5x7 glass negative, National Photo Co. Collection.

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