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A Shot in the Dark: 1909

January 1909. Billiard champion Calvin Demarest in New York, seven years before his prematurely reported death. From his 1916 obituary, headlined "Calvin Demarest Dead -- Noted Billard Player Expires in Illinois Insane Asylum": CHICAGO, Feb. 22. Calvin S. Demarest, former amateur champion billiard player and later a professional, died at the Elgin Asylum for the Insane last night. Demarest suffered a nervous breakdown last June and attacked his wife with a knife. She was saved from serious injury by Demarest's mother. The billiardist was taken for treatment to a rest cure, but failed to improve and was removed to the asylum. As it turned out, Calvin was very much alive. In 1925, though, he died before his time. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.

January 1909. Billiard champion Calvin Demarest in New York, seven years before his prematurely reported death. From his 1916 obituary, headlined "Calvin Demarest Dead -- Noted Billard Player Expires in Illinois Insane Asylum": CHICAGO, Feb. 22. Calvin S. Demarest, former amateur champion billiard player and later a professional, died at the Elgin Asylum for the Insane last night. Demarest suffered a nervous breakdown last June and attacked his wife with a knife. She was saved from serious injury by Demarest's mother. The billiardist was taken for treatment to a rest cure, but failed to improve and was removed to the asylum. As it turned out, Calvin was very much alive. In 1925, though, he died before his time. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.


Eastern v. Central: 1923

November 3, 1923. High school football in Washington, D.C.: Eastern vs. Central. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

November 3, 1923. High school football in Washington, D.C.: Eastern vs. Central. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.


Fais Do-Dudes: 1938

October 1938. "Men's section at fais-do-do near Crowley, Louisiana. Note ticket taker." View full size. Medium format negative by Russell Lee for the FSA.

October 1938. "Men's section at fais-do-do near Crowley, Louisiana. Note ticket taker." View full size. Medium format negative by Russell Lee for the FSA.


Rose O'Neill: 1907

New York, 1907. Studio portrait of illustrator Rose O'Neill, originator of the Kewpie doll. View full size. Dry plate glass negative by Gertrude Käsebier.

New York, 1907. Studio portrait of illustrator Rose O'Neill, originator of the Kewpie doll. View full size. Dry plate glass negative by Gertrude Käsebier.


Gob Is My Co-Pilot: 1923

July 27, 1923. "Naval submarine plane." View full size. National Photo Co.

July 27, 1923. "Naval submarine plane." View full size. National Photo Co.


And Their Little Dog, Too: 1936

December 1936. "Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Miller and dog. Spencer, Iowa." 35mm negative by Russell Lee for the Resettlement Administration. View full size.

December 1936. "Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Miller and dog. Spencer, Iowa." 35mm negative by Russell Lee for the Resettlement Administration. View full size.


Drink Joe's Egg Cream: 1936

New York, November 1936. "Hair tonic salesman advertising his wares, Seventh Avenue at 38th Street." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Russell Lee.

New York, November 1936. "Hair tonic salesman advertising his wares, Seventh Avenue at 38th Street." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Russell Lee.


Seventh Avenue: 1936

New York, November 1936. "Street scene at 38th Street and Seventh Avenue." View full size. 35mm negative by Russell Lee -- Resettlement Administration.

New York, November 1936. "Street scene at 38th Street and Seventh Avenue." View full size. 35mm negative by Russell Lee -- Resettlement Administration.


Back Seat Duet: 1938

October 1938. "Negro musicians playing accordion and washboard in automobile. Near New Iberia, Louisiana." View full size. Medium format negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. This natty duo can also be seen here.

October 1938. "Negro musicians playing accordion and washboard in automobile. Near New Iberia, Louisiana." View full size. Medium format negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. This natty duo can also be seen here.


Piano Man: 1938

October 1938. "Pianist in cajun band contest. National Rice Festival, Crowley, Louisiana." View full size. Medium format negative by Russell Lee for the FSA.

October 1938. "Pianist in cajun band contest. National Rice Festival, Crowley, Louisiana." View full size. Medium format negative by Russell Lee for the FSA.


Rum Point: 1957

July 1957. "The Whites on the bridge between Watch Island and Rum Point for morning tennis." Gelatin silver print by Toni Frissell. View full size.

July 1957. "The Whites on the bridge between Watch Island and Rum Point for morning tennis." Gelatin silver print by Toni Frissell. View full size.


Save That Fat: 1942

June 1942. "Why greases must be saved. A soldier of the home front -- and there's one in every American kitchen -- saves all waste fats and greases so that they can be processed into ammunition for America's soldiers on the battlefronts. Pan and broiler drippings, deep fats, renderings from bacon rinds: These are some of the fats which should be put through a strainer to remove meat scraps and other solids, and poured into wide-mouthed cans such as coffee or fat cans." 4x5 safety negative by Ann Rosener for the Office of War Information. View full size.

June 1942. "Why greases must be saved. A soldier of the home front -- and there's one in every American kitchen -- saves all waste fats and greases so that they can be processed into ammunition for America's soldiers on the battlefronts. Pan and broiler drippings, deep fats, renderings from bacon rinds: These are some of the fats which should be put through a strainer to remove meat scraps and other solids, and poured into wide-mouthed cans such as coffee or fat cans." 4x5 safety negative by Ann Rosener for the Office of War Information. View full size.


Creamer's Dream: 1945

March 1945. Ramitelli, Italy. 332nd Army Air Forces Fighter Group. "Tuskegee airman Edward C. Gleed of Lawrence, Kansas, Class 42-K, with two crewmen adjusting an external 75 gallon drop tank on the wing of the P-51D Creamer's Dream." Medium format negative by Toni Frissell. View full size.

March 1945. Ramitelli, Italy. 332nd Army Air Forces Fighter Group. "Tuskegee airman Edward C. Gleed of Lawrence, Kansas, Class 42-K, with two crewmen adjusting an external 75 gallon drop tank on the wing of the P-51D Creamer's Dream." Medium format negative by Toni Frissell. View full size.


D.C. Debs: 1925

March 25, 1925. "Washington debs rehearsing for comedy." View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

March 25, 1925. "Washington debs rehearsing for comedy." View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.


Metalhead: 1942

October 1942. "Office employee Annette del Sur publicizing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, California. The earrings and hair ornaments are fashioned from aluminum turnings." View full size. 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information.

October 1942. "Office employee Annette del Sur publicizing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, California. The earrings and hair ornaments are fashioned from aluminum turnings." View full size. 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information.

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