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Sallisaw: 1936

August 1936. Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Sequoyah County drought farmers. "Nothing to do," said one of them. "These fellers are goin' to stay right here till they dry up and die." View full size. Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange.

August 1936. Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Sequoyah County drought farmers. "Nothing to do," said one of them. "These fellers are goin' to stay right here till they dry up and die." View full size. Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange.


Field of Nightmares: 1910

August 1, 1910. New York Giants centerfielder Fred Snodgrass, whose 10th-inning error in the 1912 World Series shadowed him for the rest of his life, and beyond. Headline of his obituary in the New York Times: "Fred Snodgrass, 86, Is Dead; Ball Player Muffed 1912 Fly." View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.

August 1, 1910. New York Giants centerfielder Fred Snodgrass, whose 10th-inning error in the 1912 World Series shadowed him for the rest of his life, and beyond. Headline of his obituary in the New York Times: "Fred Snodgrass, 86, Is Dead; Ball Player Muffed 1912 Fly." View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.


Hill House: 1936

July 1936. Hillhouse, Mississippi. "Sharecroppers' families gathering needs for their Fourth of July celebration, whites and blacks together." View full size. 4x5 nitrate negative by by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.

July 1936. Hillhouse, Mississippi. "Sharecroppers' families gathering needs for their Fourth of July celebration, whites and blacks together." View full size. 4x5 nitrate negative by by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.


Dogwood: 1922

From circa 1922, the bandleader and Victor recording artist Joseph C. Smith. View full size. 5x7 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection.

From circa 1922, the bandleader and Victor recording artist Joseph C. Smith. View full size. 5x7 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection.


The Old Ball Game: 1912

October 8, 1912. First game of the 1912 World Series, between the New York Giants and Boston Red Sox. Right field grandstand at New York's Polo Grounds. 5x7 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection. View full size.

October 8, 1912. First game of the 1912 World Series, between the New York Giants and Boston Red Sox. Right field grandstand at New York's Polo Grounds. 5x7 glass negative, George Grantham Bain Collection. View full size.


General Outdoor: 1941

July 1941. Chicago parking lot. View full size. 35mm negative by John Vachon.

July 1941. Chicago parking lot. View full size. 35mm negative by John Vachon.


True Confessions: 1941

July 1941. Street scene in Chicago on Washington at Dearborn. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the FSA. View full size | Another view.

July 1941. Street scene in Chicago on Washington at Dearborn. 35mm nitrate negative by John Vachon for the FSA. View full size | Another view.


Crossville Loafers: 1937

1937. "Men loafing. Crossville, Tennessee." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Ben Shahn for the Farm Security Administration.

1937. "Men loafing. Crossville, Tennessee." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Ben Shahn for the Farm Security Administration.


Shadowland: 1863

Washington circa 1863. Wounded soldiers at Harewood Hospital with mosquito netting over their beds. View full size. Left half of a glass-plate stereograph.

Washington circa 1863. Wounded soldiers at Harewood Hospital with mosquito netting over their beds. View full size. Left half of a glass-plate stereograph.


Harewood: 1863

Washington circa 1863. "Mess hall at Harewood Hospital, heated by elaborate stoves." 3x4 glass-plate stereograph, photographer unknown. View full size.

Washington circa 1863. "Mess hall at Harewood Hospital, heated by elaborate stoves." 3x4 glass-plate stereograph, photographer unknown. View full size.


Brandy Station: 1864

February 1864. Brandy Station, Virginia. Secret Service officers at Army of the Potomac winter headquarters: Col. George H. Sharpe, John G. Babcock, unidentified and Lt. Col. John McEntee. 8x10 glass-plate negative from a collection compiled by Hirst Milhollen and Donald Mugridge. View full size. Alternate caption information, which records the date of creation/publication as August 1863: "Bealeton, Va. Members of the Bureau of Military Information."

February 1864. Brandy Station, Virginia. Secret Service officers at Army of the Potomac winter headquarters: Col. George H. Sharpe, John G. Babcock, unidentified and Lt. Col. John McEntee. 8x10 glass-plate negative from a collection compiled by Hirst Milhollen and Donald Mugridge. View full size. Alternate caption information, which records the date of creation/publication as August 1863: "Bealeton, Va. Members of the Bureau of Military Information."


Greetings From Buckeye Lake: 1938

Summer 1938. "Looking over Buckeye Lake," the fleshpot of central Ohio if photographer Ben Shahn is to be believed. Full size | The sordid details.

Summer 1938. "Looking over Buckeye Lake," the fleshpot of central Ohio if photographer Ben Shahn is to be believed. Full size | The sordid details.


Making Merry: 1938

Summer 1938. "Scene at Buckeye Lake Amusement Park, near Columbus, Ohio." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Ben Shahn for the FSA.

Summer 1938. "Scene at Buckeye Lake Amusement Park, near Columbus, Ohio." View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Ben Shahn for the FSA.


Dolled Up: 1939

1939. Ladies who lunch in Washington, D.C., with the toy department as a backdrop. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by David Myers.

1939. Ladies who lunch in Washington, D.C., with the toy department as a backdrop. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by David Myers.


Hanging in There: 1913

September 15, 1913. Frederick Schnell and father-in-law Ardolph Kline, a president of the New York City board of aldermen who served as NYC mayor for three months following the unexpected death, five days before this picture was taken, of William Jay Gaynor. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.

September 15, 1913. Frederick Schnell and father-in-law Ardolph Kline, a president of the New York City board of aldermen who served as NYC mayor for three months following the unexpected death, five days before this picture was taken, of William Jay Gaynor. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.

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