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Late '60s Christmas

Christmas on the Left Coast, about 1968. We had moved from West Covina to Walnut. For a few years our family was friendly with a few neighbors. It didn't last. I think it was the times, and changing circumstances. I have good memories of them; here are the parents with their kids and my little brother going out the door. They were especially nice to me; I was about 12 or 13 at the time and they felt I was OK to sit for their kids. I made a dollar or two on those nights! I suspect my dad was again the cameraman. View full size.

Christmas on the Left Coast, about 1968. We had moved from West Covina to Walnut. For a few years our family was friendly with a few neighbors. It didn't last. I think it was the times, and changing circumstances. I have good memories of them; here are the parents with their kids and my little brother going out the door. They were especially nice to me; I was about 12 or 13 at the time and they felt I was OK to sit for their kids. I made a dollar or two on those nights! I suspect my dad was again the cameraman. View full size.

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