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Christmas Dinner: 1954

Uncle Don, Uncle Alec and the cousins are ready for a feast at my Grandmother's house on Cornish Road, in Toronto, Ontario. We have all snapped our Christmas Crackers and are checking out the party favours inside them before donning the tissue-paper hats. The dining room suite is now at my home in Vancouver. Both extensions were opened to accommodate the crowd - the overflow of kids was at card tables. The big excitement at this dinner was a fire, not at the table (despite many candles), but in the kitchen. When I left the dining room to go to the kitchen in the middle of the meal, paper serviettes left too close to the gas burner on the stove had ignited. Adults quickly extinguished the blaze, which did not cause major damage. View full size.

Uncle Don, Uncle Alec and the cousins are ready for a feast at my Grandmother's house on Cornish Road, in Toronto, Ontario. We have all snapped our Christmas Crackers and are checking out the party favours inside them before donning the tissue-paper hats. The dining room suite is now at my home in Vancouver. Both extensions were opened to accommodate the crowd - the overflow of kids was at card tables. The big excitement at this dinner was a fire, not at the table (despite many candles), but in the kitchen. When I left the dining room to go to the kitchen in the middle of the meal, paper serviettes left too close to the gas burner on the stove had ignited. Adults quickly extinguished the blaze, which did not cause major damage. View full size.

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